May Theme Is

Youth Service Month

May is Rotary’s Youth Service Month! Throughout the month, Rotarians, Rotaractors, and younger members of the Rotary family, including Interactors and RYLA and Rotary Youth Exchange participants, celebrate the service, leadership development, connections, and FUN of Rotary’s programs for young leaders.

Every year, over 350,000 young leaders participate in Rotary’s youth programs across Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and Rotary Youth Exchange.

Rotary’s Youth Service Month is an opportunity to promote our young leaders’ local and global impacts and the Rotary and Rotaract clubs that make these programs possible. 

Youth Service (commonly referred to as New Generations) is Rotary 5th Avenue of Service and comes a variety of forms throughout our District and the Rotary world.